New York Municipal Law Attorneys Offer Counsel to Citizens and Businesses

Experienced lawyers represent homeowners and companies in the New City area on issues involving zoning, regulation and litigation

Municipal law governs the operation of cities and towns and regulates the delivery of essential services to local citizens. By controlling police, fire departments, public schools and garbage pickup, municipal law significantly affects a community’s quality of life. But when zoning decisions clash with private property rights, parking restrictions impede commerce, and elections subvert democratic rule, citizens have a right to have their voices heard and take legal action. Sarajian & Baum PLLC represents residents and businesspeople in towns and cities in the New City area and throughout New York in legal cases involving the municipalities they live and work in. We will uphold your rights against governmental overreach.

Skilled counselors advise clients on a range of municipal law issues

At our firm, we handle a range of legal issues for homeowners and business owners when decisions made by local government bodies affect them. These include:

  • Boundary disputes
  • Building and construction permits
  • Economic development
  • Elected officials
  • Elections
  • Eminent domain
  • Employment law, including union and nonunion public employees
  • Environmental law
  • Ethics
  • Financial affairs
  • Freedom of Information Act requests
  • Governing bodies
  • Land use, annexation, zoning and condemnation
  • Litigation
  • Municipal court prosecution and operations
  • Open meeting and records laws compliance
  • Local ordinances 
  • Utilities and water

Any time a local government acts, there is a potential for it to violate the rights of local citizens. Our attorneys protect your rights against municipal actions that may involve legislation, regulation and other government action.

Proven litigators defend residents against eminent domain proceedings

Too often, economic development that would benefit a small group of developers and investors is forced through local government. Building projects that destroy local businesses and force residents out of their homes are approved in the name of progress. Governments often try to take private property or force its sale through a doctrine called eminent domain.

While government is allowed to purchase your land at market value for certain public uses or improvements, there are constitutional limits on that right. Our attorneys fight eminent domain on your behalf, challenging the city or town and arguing that their taking of your land to give to a private developer is an unlawful taking under the Constitution. If eminent domain is upheld, we will strive to ensure you receive fair market value for your property.

Contact a trusted New York law firm representing residents in municipal litigation 

Sarajian & Baum PLLC upholds the rights of homeowners and businesspeople throughout New York against local government actions. To schedule a consultation at our New City office, call us at 845-205-4558 or contact our firm online